No Life – Knives Edge

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No Life coming out of New Zealand cuts you to pieces with their brand new single “Knives Edge.” To say that “Knives Edge” is an intense musical experience is saying the least. The lyrical content is something that many bands don’t deal with and I believe it is something to think about. The lyrics matched with the musical content and the delivery by the vocalist is sublime.

“Knives Edge” is a tale about relapse and the consequences of drinking. The passion behind the delivery of the vocals is unmatched in the deathcore genre. It is all backed up by music that leaves you on the edge of your seat. From brutal breakdowns and screechy guitars, it all melds into a perfect concoction that puts you on the proverbial knife’s edge.

No Life is bringing new life to a genre that is stuck doing the same thing over and over. “Knives Edge” is a breath of fresh air and I am huffing it. [wpdiscuz-feedback id=”k9tnlb5bww” question=”All aboard in the comments section” opened=”0″]Get on the train, because it is leaving the station.[/wpdiscuz-feedback]

I for sure will be on the ride. I can not wait to hear more from them.

Check them out below!

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Knives Edge

by No Life


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